- Dominik Heinrich(2)

Through advising and supporting over 1,000 people, my studies in clinical psychoneuroimmunology and various training courses in the field of sports science and applied neuroscience, I have realised that an all-encompassing approach is needed to sustainably optimise health and performance. Since 2015, the year I founded my sports science consultancy, I have been supporting companies, pilots, neurological patients, clubs, associations, e-sports teams and various competitive and high-performance athletes, working as a consultant and coach as well as a lecturer and teacher in this context.

During this time, the search for the limits of human performance led me to develop a holistic concept for unlocking the mostly untapped ressources of what is probably the greatest of all human potentials: the brain. I have been passing on the resulting neuro-centred training and coaching system "Bodybraining" to trainers and therapists since 2021.

I am also working as a consultant for public health in Lower Austria since 2022 and as a sports science consultant for the Austrian Company Sports Association since 2023. Since the same year, I am also supporting the Sierra Leone Adult Education Association (SLADEA) as an expert in public health and sports for development campaigns (specialising in "Sport for Education" and "Sport for Gender Equity").




  • Master of clincal Psychoneuroimmunology
    Universidad de Salamanca
  • Clinical psychoneuroimmunology therapist
    kPNI Akademie
  • Bachelor of Science (Sport- und Eventmanagement)
    Schloss Seeburg Private University
  • National Certifed Strength and Conditioning Coach
    National Sports Academy Graz
  • Certfied Life Kinetik PRO Trainer
    Life Kinetik Cinderella GmbH
  • Certified Life Kinetik Trainer
    Life Kinetik Cinderella GmbH
  • Certified Tennis specific Strength and Conditioning Coach
    German Tennis Federation
  • National Certified Snowboard Instructor
    National Sports Academy Graz
  • National Certified Tennis Instructor
    National Sports Academy Graz
  • Certified Nutrition Coach
    Vitalakademie Austria

current Activities
and projects

  • Coach and speaker in the field of holistic health promotion and performance development
  • Sports science consultant to the Austrian company sports association
  • Public health consultant 
  • Long-term coach and consultant for athletes in various sports
  • Lecturer at the National Sports Academy Graz
  • Lecturer at Traineracademy
  • Sports science consultant and diagnostician in the field of motor skills development for primary school children (Verein Bewegtes Lernen Wien)
  • Volunteer Expert for public health and sports development at SLADEA (Sierra Leone Adult Education Association)

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